september 23 - october 22
Element: Air, though with rotten lungs that may be asking for too much
Ruling planet: Venus
Symbol: The Scales
Death Pursuit: To keep on, keepin’ on
Secret Desire: To live an easy, uncomplicated life.
Easy-going Librans earn the Zombie Zodiac
Flake-o-Meter Gold Seal with their laid-back attitude and desire to sit this
one out, dude. Undead Librans can be
counted on to fantasize about every other sign in the zodiac, creating unfulfilled
and unrealistic Zombie dreams of castles filled with other Zombies yet cannot
commit to the one standing right in front of them. Charming but still maintaining the aloof allure of the Zombie
mystique, Librans have found their own Zen in the Undead culture. After trying to conform while they still had
a pulse, now dead they can branch out and not worry about the standards forced
upon them by humanity. They have found
their inner peace while still being a great companion to share your human
Along with this rampant irritability, the
Libran Zombie can be a raving drama queen.
Male or female, those with an Undead Libran bend to their crooked spine
loves to spend eternity stressing out about how long you spoke to the cute
bartender or if the woman you have stuffed in the freezer means more to you
than she does. A quick karate chop to
the head will help dispel these ideas but it may not cure her jealous rage for
long. While exciting, it can wear on
the relationship so practice setting boundaries. Barbed wire with mean devil hounds usually help.
october 23 - november 21
Element: Water
Ruling planet: Pluto
Symbol: The Scorpion
Death Pursuit: Zombie Survival of the Fittest or to get on a game show with fellow Zombie, Wink Martindale
Secret Desire: To squash all competition for Brainz
Passionate Scorpios are the Push me – Pull
you of the Zombie Zodiac. At once
attractive enough to tempt even the living, an Undead Scorpio can wreck havoc
on a small town with just a Chuck Norris glare. Unable to make up their minds, Scorpios usually cannot decide
whether to eat its human victim or play with it just a little bit longer. This division of the thought process
happened way before their heart stopped beating, so don’t be too alarmed when
it happens at TGIFridays and they can’t make up his mind over appetizers.
Love, power and an overwhelming desire to
destroy make the Scorpio lover one to keep an eye on at all times. Don’t turn your back while he has his temper
up, a Scorpio can and will lay waste to your car tires all the while smiling
and saying they love you except for just this one little thing…
Scorpios can take you or leave you. Seriously.
They can take you to the desert and abandon you without blinking an eye
but you will, at least, mightily enjoy the ride. Known as one of the most sensual of the zodiac, half-dead
Scorpios can make the dead rise.
Literally. With their natural
ability to suck the life out of everything they touch, they can make any date
something to text your friends about later.
If you can still walk. When two
Scorpios get together, watch out. They
blamed Chernobyl on a meltdown, we all knew it was the Zombie Scorps out there
getting busy. Since you now have an
inexhaustible supply of pent up anger and energy, you may be able to keep up
with the sexy sign of the Zombie Zodiac but take your vitamins just in case.
Zombies and Scorpios have a lot in
common. They both embody the rage
present in society, neither conforms to the norm and they hold the keys to the
ultimate mystery. Zombies return from
the dead, their minds filled with horror and unspeakable acts of violence. They exist only to ravage and destroy the
very fiber of goodness left in humanity’s slippery clutches. Scorpios, however,
can be explained – they are perpetually horny.
The depth of a Zombie Scorpio is
immense. Well, not really. After the groaning, stumbling and crazy road
rage, and THEN you have the Zombie side kick in, these people are a kick in the
ass. However, take heed of their deep
side. They love to blather on about
minutiae in Zombie lore so brush up on your Who’s Who of Hell’s Minions before
getting into a conversation with them.
While they love to win, they love to debate even more. Even if it is reduced to poking each other’s
eyes out, they like to get their point across so buckle up, Sweetcheeks; you
are in for the long haul.